An informative resource for the environment EcoTeen

DIY #1 Brit + Co


Author Dana Raidt combined 18 of Brit + Co's favorite environmental DIYs for Earth Day (April 22) in 2015. The photo above shows a unique use for leftover egg shells as hanging planter for herbs and smaller plants.

There are a variety of different DIY's on their website and blog; you can find all of them here.

DIY #2 Recycled Plastic Shrink Charms

This YouTube video describes how to make Shrink Charms with Recycled Plastic. Instead of paying for sheets of plastic from companies, you can use old plastic that is found in your house!

DIY #3 Curbly


Faith Provencher, an author at Curbly put together 11 DIYs; such as cleaning towels and reusable lunch sacks to help create a zero-waste home. Above are oil-cloth bowl covers, an alternative to using plastic wrap.

You can find these DIYs here.

DIY #4 Easy Eco Hacks

This YouTube video displays some easy eco hacks to use in your daily life, such as going to thrift shops and making your own reusable bags!